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Restriction Enzymes


- Also known as restriction endonucleases.

- Short nucleotide sequences isolated from prokaryotic organisms.

- Recognize specific sequences (~4 to 8 nucleotides).

- Bind to DNA at specific sites and cleave at the double helix.

- Cut the DNA fragment end with 3’-OH and 5’-P group.

- 2 types of restriction fragment:

  • Sticky end: DNA fragment with short single stranded overhang.

  • Blunt end: DNA fragment are fully base paired, no overhang.


- Methylated DNA:

  • Self protection from cutting by own DNA by restriction enzymes.

  • Transfer methyl group to adenine or cytosine residue to specific DNA sequences.

- 3 types of restriction enzymes:


- Nomenclature and types of restriction enzymes:

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