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- Ligase: Joining DNA molecules together.

                Catalyse formation of phosphodiester bond between 3’-OH and 5’-P end.


-  Three types of DNA ligase:


i) E.coli DNA ligase

    - require NAD+ and Mg2+ as cofactors and activators.

      - can ligate cohesive and blunt ends.


ii)  DNA ligase

     - ligate cohesive and blunt ends with higher efficiency.

     - require NAD+ and Mg2+ as cofactors and activators

     - activities is inhibited by Na+ and K+


iii) Thermostable DNA ligase

      - use  as cofactor

      - use in ligase amplication to detect mutation in mammalian DNA.


- Complementary sticky end ligation is more efficient than blunt end ligation.


- Efficiency of blunt end ligation can be increased by:

  • Perform at high DNA concentration

  • Blunt end are converted to sticky end by linkers and adaptors


- Linker:

  • Synthetic blunt ended double strand DNA contain recognition sequence for   

             restriction enzyme.

  • Ligated to blunt end of DNA fragment with  DNA ligase

  • Digested with certain restriction enzyme to form sticky end.


- Adaptor:

  • Synthetic DNA fragment

  • Contain 1 blunt end for ligation; also have 1 performed cohesive end.



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