- Ligase: Joining DNA molecules together.
Catalyse formation of phosphodiester bond between 3’-OH and 5’-P end.
- Three types of DNA ligase:
i) E.coli DNA ligase
- require NAD+ and Mg2+ as cofactors and activators.
- can ligate cohesive and blunt ends.
ii) DNA ligase
- ligate cohesive and blunt ends with higher efficiency.
- require NAD+ and Mg2+ as cofactors and activators
- activities is inhibited by Na+ and K+
iii) Thermostable DNA ligase
- use as cofactor
- use in ligase amplication to detect mutation in mammalian DNA.
- Complementary sticky end ligation is more efficient than blunt end ligation.
- Efficiency of blunt end ligation can be increased by:
Perform at high DNA concentration
Blunt end are converted to sticky end by linkers and adaptors
- Linker:
Synthetic blunt ended double strand DNA contain recognition sequence for
restriction enzyme.
Ligated to blunt end of DNA fragment with DNA ligase
Digested with certain restriction enzyme to form sticky end.
- Adaptor:
Synthetic DNA fragment
Contain 1 blunt end for ligation; also have 1 performed cohesive end.
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